(781) 449-5722

Plantar Fasciitis
Naturally, we are designed to walk barefoot, which allows the toes to grip the ground as we walk or run through gait. As the toes flex to grip the ground, the muscles that support the arch of the foot engage and strengthen. Today, we spend most of our time walking on hard, flat surfaces and wear footwear to pad our feet, and these muscles do not engage properly. When these muscles become weak the plantar fascia becomes overloaded. Small tears occur in the fascia and scar tissue forms to repair the damage, further constricting the plantar fascia until tension and pain develops. Pain typically occurs at the inside arch toward the heel. This condition typically responds well by specific myofascial therapy to the plantar fascia and calf, as well as joint manipulation to restore mobility to the foot. Strengthening exercises of the calf and foot prevent reocccurence. Patients with this injury often experience slow resolution depending on how long it has developed and how weak the calf and foot musculature are.